Thursday, April 21, 2011


Here it first ever TVD Recap. (You know you love it Keish!)

This was done as a special favour to my girl @fiendchikx138 who won't be able to watch until road trip to Florida!! Love you Bri ;)

Please forgive that which does NOT make sense...again, this is my 1st crack at this.

Also, forgive typos & my love for ellipses. I can't help it...they just represent the perfect pause.


Here we go with my totally amateur recap, lol!

Starts off with Elena still slumped waiting for Elijah to "wake up"...

Eli wakes up & calls her Katerina & we go directly to 1492 flashback.

Trevor & Eli talking...Trevor introduces Kat to Eli

**Can I take a minute right off the top to point out something that confuses me? If Katerina ran to England to get away from Bulgaria...taking on an English accent & trying to blend...should they not have been calling her "Katherine" in 1492 England...instead of Katerina with an accent that doesn't seem English at all??

Back to present...Eli can't breathe...they figure out it's cuz he hasn't been invited in...he speeds-ish outta the house...Elena meets him at the door...they talk, blah blah blah...Elena tells him to keep his voice down so Stefan & Damon won't hear...she whispers to him "Can I trust you"...he whispers back "Can I trust YOU?"...she then GIVES HIM THE FLIPPING DAGGER???? WTF???

Stefan wakes up with a start...calls for Elena...can't find her...runs into Andie (UGH) in the hall...enter Damon...

Stefan to Damon: Do you know where Elena is?

Damon: Nope, she's YOUR girlfriend...mine's right here...wants to bite Andie's shoulder...she asks him if he can do blood bags today (they're so civilized) he gets super-stick-his-delicious-bottom-lip-out pouty...she leaves.

Stefan & Damon end up rushing to basement...realize what Elena's done. OH. NO.

AlariKlaus (which I've been calling him since we realized Klaus was in Alaric's body & DAMON TOTALLY CALLED HIM THAT TONIGHT!!!) - Talks to Maddox about going to get his real body...he's tired of "this one"...he truly believes Bonnie's dead...he re-compels Kat to stay until he lets her leave.

Elena & Eli - in Elena's truck...making a deal...Eli drinking from a blood bag...

Stefan calls (Damon listening in)...obviously doesn't want Elena there...Elena tells him Elijah lives by a code of honour....she can trust him...HANGS UP ON STEFAN!!!.

Elijah holds his hand out for Elena's phone & SHE GIVES IT TO HIM!!! WTF is wrong with this girl??

Damon: Did she just hang up on you?
Stefan: Yup.
Damon: She's lost it. (babbles about going to find her...something about Bonnie...blah blah blah)
Stefan: You need to back off and let her do her thing.
Damon: That's YOUR plan. Mine's better.
Stefan: (grabs Damon's arm) Back. Off.

1492 - Birthday party for Klaus...Elijah introduces Katerina to Klaus (Again with the Katerina I just forgetting a major moment in a past epi where this is explained & makes sense?)

Lockwood mansion: Elijah compels Carol to let him in (notsomuch to let him in...more to forget that she was on her way out & that she should stick around to help him get cleaned up)(he got her off vervain before Elena & Co. killed him....twice)...borrows a suit from the dead Mayor...looks delicious

Jenna calls Stefan...she's had all kinds of weird msgs from Elena...don't meet Alaric...but now she can't reach Elena OR Jeremy (who I miss a little bit #BadCougar) & wants to know what's going on. Stefan tells her just to stay on campus for a few more days...she says that'd be hard to do since she's already IN HER KITCHEN AT HOME!!!

Damon overhears this convo too...pours himself a drink...clearly isn't planning on helping Steffie at all...

Stefan's getting ready to rush out to check on Jenna...Damon's just chillin'...

Stefan: You seriously gonna be like this?
Damon: I'm just "backing off".

Damon & Andie (who's still there but clearly mentioned she had to work earlier so I'm a little confused & perturbed that she's still there with my boyfriend...I hope she gets fired)...decide to "go rogue"...

Elijah & Elena - turns out Klaus & Elijah are BROTHERS!!!! Seems like (from flashbacks) Eli was smitten with Katerina but Klaus moved in ...(sounds familiar, no?) (in re-watch I saw that Eli mentions to Katerina when he met her that she reminded him of I'm assuming the original Petrova doppelganger...or is Kat the original one?)

Damon & Andie - go to Ric's

Stefan visit's Jenna...AlariKlaus IS IN THE HOUSE!!! (That could totally be the start of a rap song)

Elijah & Elena - Klaus & Elijah are 2 of 7 children...oldest vamps in the world...ALL vamps created from them

Damon gives Katherine vervain so that she can avoid further Klaus compulsion but only AFTER he asks why she double crossed them (obvious answer, she was looking out for herself, as usual) and a quick game of "Find The Loophole in #KlausKompulsion)...they leave her there in the house...but, when Damon's leaving he says "You owe me and I WILL collect."


AK: Do you beleive in vampires Jenna? You've been upset with me for keeping secrets. Here's my secret...I'm obsessed with vampires. They're the oldest creatures of the night except werewolves.

He tells her briefly about the curse...questions Stefan about his thoughts on the matter...


Jenna tells AlariKlaus to get out...he says no, he doesn't wanna...takes Jenna's favourite gigantic gut stabbing knife and holds it up to her ready to threaten her...Stefan grabs the knife...grabs AK by the neck...StealthSalvatores (TM @cindymclennan) across the kitchen holds AK up against the wall...

AlariKlaus tells Stefan to go ahead & kill's as easy for him to pick out a new body as it is for Stefan to put on a new wifebeater...and who's to say AK won't pick Jenna as his next outfit...

Stefan digs the knife into AK's throat & yells at Jenna to get out..she doesn't move so...HE TOTALLY VAMPS OUT!!!!!! Jenna runs outta the house lickety split! Stefan proceeds to beat the shit out of AK & LEAVES HIM LYING ON THE FLOOR to go after Jenna...Srsly Stef...with your vamp speed you couldn't have put him somewhere other than YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S REAL HOUSE for safe keeping???

Elijah & Elena...more about faking the curse for over 1,000 yrs...there IS actually a's just that it's been placed solely on Klaus & Elena's his only hope of breaking it. (Still don't understand that bit...concentrating too hard on notetaking #Loser)

Eli's annoyed with Elena's phone and its incessant buzzing...asks her to "answer it please"...Stefan lets Elena know about Jenna...she tells Elijah she has to go...blah blah's her family...blah.

1492 flashback...Klaus & Elijah talking about love...

Jenna @ the boarding house - Elena apologizes...they were just trying to protect her..."Yes, Jenna...everybody knows except you...but hey, we're telling you now!"

Jenna: When we were kids your mom used to tell me bedtime stories but they couldn't be true.
Elena: They're true. For real. Like, no joke.

Jenna - scared, crying...Elena holding her...Stefan listening from just outside room...GatDam heartbreaking Stefan almost crying face...UGH!! This boy is too beautiful for words.

Stefan: She gonna be okay?
Elena: She's in shock.
*back & forth about who's fault it is*
Elena: I have to get back to Elijah.
Stefan. Wait. What??? (maybe not exactly like that)(on re-watch...he actually DID say "Wait. What?" Love. Him.)
Elena: I'll be ok.
Enter Damon: Where do you think you're going? (grabs Elena's arm)
Elena: I have to.
Stefan: Let her go! (grabs Damon's arm...again)
Elena leaves (I think) (re-watch...she didn't leave yet...still standing there when Damons says...)
Damon: That's twice today you stood in my way. I wouldn't try a third.

Katherine still at Alaric' blaring...drinking...Klaus comes back she flashes to the couch & sits quietly.
Maddox comes back...

AK: What took you so long
Maddox: "You have a lotta baggage...

Enter Greta (Jonas' daughter who doesn't exactly look like she's all that put out with being on Klaus' side...wasn't he supposed to be holding her against her will? Shouldn't she look terrified...was I just blinded by Damon to give a shit about anything Luka & Jonas said?).

Greta: Nice body. Ready to get out of it?

Trailing behind his "baggage" & Greta we get a glimpse of the KarryingKase which OBViously is keeping his body probably not so warm...

Elena & Elijah re: Klaus' curse...

Turns out Klaus was NOT Elijah's father's son...their mother was a dirty whore back in the day...the short story is that Klaus' REAL father had the werewolf KLAUS IS BOTH!!!! Deadlier than any vamp or werewolf alone...witches cursed him so the werewolf in him could never turn...he wants to go thru with the doppelganger sacrifice (I STILL don't know how why they need HER to make this work) so that he can trigger the werewolf gene & create his own race. GeeZus. ONLY Bonnnie can kill him...during the full moon.

1492 - Elijah talked to witches...found a way to break the curse but spare Katerina. Klaus didn't care..."...she's just a human. Tell the witches not to bother."

Klaus: Love is a vamp's greatest weakness. We don't feel. We don't care.

Back to present - Elena: You cared about her.
Elijah: It's a common mistake, I'm told. (I kinda loved this line a lot! Maybe it was just the deliver? I dunno...but I loved it.)

Boardinghouse - Damon tells Andie to go. (Thank you Damon! Love you! *smooches*)

Stefan: Tired of your plaything.
Damon: Just my distraction. Besides, you should be happy, she keeps me from going for what I really want.
Stefan: Yes, thank you for being in love with my girlfriend. Remember, I have the one thing you never will.
Damon: What's that?
Stefan: Her respect.


Quick fight ensues (I seriously thought it would be bigger, better...more destructive)...

Elena arrives with Elijah.

Elena: STOP!

Damon and Stefan: *freeze*

Damon: Now you've invited him in???

1492 - Elijah basically told Katerina to leave...Klaus threatened Elijah with death if he didn't bring Kat back.

Present - Elijah & Elena lay out the terms of their "new" deal...Elena explains that Elijah knows how Bonnie has to kill Klaus without killing herself AND save Elena's life too...Elijah tells the brothers that no harm will come to either of them at his hand...all he wants is an apology...Damon: GTFOH!!!

Stefan apologizes...explains that he was just trying to save Elena...he will ALWAYS try to save Elena.

Damon questions all the trust flying around and TOTALLY isn't feeling it & then tells them ALL to go to hell. Stefan basically apologizes for Damon, saying "he's mad at me, he'll come around". Elijah says he's not so sure about that...& then quick flashback to a scene of him & Klaus...he's clearly relating more to the brothers than I think he'd like...

Damon goes upstairs...Andie's there in her underwear (Why the fuck is she still on my TV...I feel angry when I see Damon love is irrational & alarming. I know this. Megs. Leave me & my Damon be).

Damon: I thought I told you to leave?
Andie: You didn't compel me.
Damon: I'm upset. You have to leave. You know what happens when I'm upset.
Andie: blah blah blah...I'm not leaving...I have a HUGE face (she may not have really said that) have to know that somebody cares about you (Fuck you Andie...ERIN cares)
Damon...attacks Andie's neck (please tell me he kills her...wait that's wrong, right?...nevermind, don't care...I'm obsessed with a supernatural fictional character...kill away, Damon!)

UGH...much to Erin's dismay...Damon stops his attack...compels Andie to leave - "you have to get out of here before I kill you...GO...NOW..." then he's crying-ish...Oh my heart breaks for you...

Witches (Maddox & Greta) chanting at Ric's apartment...Katherine watching...AlariKlaus standing there...chanting stops...ALARIC'S BACK...looks at Katherine..."Elena??"...THEN COLLAPSES!!!

Maddox opens the gigantic KlausKarryingKase & RealKlaus emerges...

Klaus (in his own body): Now that's more like it.

The. End.