Friday, November 26, 2010

It ain't that serious...

Sometimes I wanna go back to the days before Twitter & FB & IMDB when our fave TV shows were JUST for entertainment. And our favourite TV stars/musicians were still a bit of a mystery.

Not that I don't LOVE all the little tidbits that we're now privy to. I'm an information junkie. I love knowing "stuff". But I'm an adult. I'm (relatively) well adjusted. I can handle it. I have a real life that has nothing to do with the computer or TV or actors.

That's not to say I don't have my own little star crushes...I'm a woman, after all. Human. It happens. But there is not one moment of any day that I actually sit and fantasize about the fact that maybe one day I'll meet one of these guys and he'll realize that I'm clearly THE ONE and we'll settle down and have babies and ride unicorns on rainbows made of sparkles <--- you know that's just for you Keish ;)

I believe that these guys (and girls) do care about their fans. Of course they do. They're appreciative, they know that without their fans, they'd be nowhere. That said, I do NOT think that they're sitting at home praying to Jesus that they win some foolish little polls and then crying and looking for explanations from their fans when they don't. I just can't see them caring THAT much about nonsense. And, I'm not criticizing those who vote/participate...I vote when I see the links sometimes...but I'm not going back every hour on the hour to check and see if I can vote again and have it count. I'm busy. I have shit to do. This is supposed to be all in fun but it just continually gets taken WAY too seriously. It's outta hand.

And now, cyberbullying over ficticious, probably not even remotely possible, pairings of characters on a TV show. I'm beyond disturbed.

The fact that there is even a term "cyberbullying" is alarming and scares me. It's not that I don't know that it happens...that it's out there. It's that it's even more proof that people spend way too much time on the computer or on their phone apps "connected". I think it's very scary for people who are victims as a result of their sexuality because THAT is serious and it's nobody's business.

But, that we're now throwing the term around in relation to a TV show and which couples people prefer...really? There are petitions to get somebody to re-open their Twitter account. Deleting the account is probably the best thing she could ever do if she's being bullied. Shut it down. Not because she's giving in to the bully...because she shouldn't give a shit what anybody thinks.

I can't lie, I've had a couple of instances where I've said things online that I immediately regretted and realized that I had to get myself in check before things got outta hand...had to remember (again) that you can NOT win arguments on the internet. And who wants to? It's the internet. It's a tool. A convenience. Entertainment. NOT real life.

I know that the very fact that I'm BLOGGING about this shit is a little curious given my concern about the "online" world. But listen, I'm not knocking the actual internet or the amazing things that it allows us to's just all about balance.

I have kids. They like the internet. The younger one loves video games. But it's just fun for them. They have friends and full lives. They're active, they're into sports. They go outside and "hang" with their friends. This makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Loved everything about this post. Mostly how it showed me the error of my ways. I do try my best not to get too serious about any of it but often lines become blurred. I have found actual, real life, amazing friends on Twitter. Friends I hope to have well into my old age. I have also found more drama than one person should ever deal with in a life time, let alone on a daily basis. I hope I can keep these words in my mind as I move forward with my online adventures.
